:PI am going to try this again.
While the pundits on the left cry about what bad people we are, playing the false Newsweek story about the flushing of the Koran at Gitmo as if it were real, I have found no reference to the story here:
On Robert Spencer's site, he shows the film producted by the
Islamic Thinkers.Here is the subject matter of that film:
It shows a group of militant Muslims on a street corner in New York, burning the American flag. It is complete with poster carrying militants showing how the rule of Islam will come to America.
While the left repeats the falsehood of the Koran flushing, no where is the outrage shown for militant Muslims desecrating our flag, a smybol that holds more importance for some Americans that the Bible.
I have some questions about this film:
Where is the NYPD, CIA, Homeland Security, FBI and all other investigative agencies when this is going on. As the militant Muslimes
use our own laws of "freedom to assemble" and
freedom of speech against us, those who are sworn to protect us are no where to be found.
Why does the MSM continue to harp on the violations against the Koran but are silent on militant Muslims burning our flag on the streets of NYC?
With the recent sting on a Islamic terrorist group, why is there no outrage over this film?
Wake up America.