Post by FightingFalcon on May 18, 2006 19:53:14 GMT -8
I thought we could use something other than illegal immigration to talk about I think Bounce first mentioned that yesterday, the Senate voted to extend the Bush tax cuts for the next two years. Well I gotta say that I'm very happy - Republicans acting true to form! Now if only we could cut the size of the federal government/budget with as much enthusiasm as we cut taxes! www.nytimes.com/2006/05/12/washington/12spend.html^^ I love how the NY Times called it more tax cuts for the rich. Never mind the fact that the AMT destroys the American middle-class - not the rich. Perhaps the editors of the Times can use their tax cuts to buy a clue...
Post by bounce on May 18, 2006 20:02:27 GMT -8
I thought we could use something other than illegal immigration to talk about I think Bounce first mentioned that yesterday, the Senate voted to extend the Bush tax cuts for the next two years. Well I gotta say that I'm very happy - Republicans acting true to form! Now if only we could cut the size of the federal government/budget with as much enthusiasm as we cut taxes! www.nytimes.com/2006/05/12/washington/12spend.html^^ I love how the NY Times called it more tax cuts for the rich. Never mind the fact that the AMT destroys the American middle-class - not the rich. Perhaps the editors of the Times can use their tax cuts to buy a clue... OK bitch... You wanna talk about something else??? I'll get personal with you for a moment. I think the thing that pisses me off the MOST about you is the memory of what I was when I was your age. I was a naive, clueless little fucking hemorrhoid. I needed my ass kicked so fucking bad. I wish I had had the benefit of meeting 101 back then and had the benefit of ONE SERIOUS ASSWHOOPING! I was a FUCKING MORON and YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON. You have one serious gap to span to wisdom and maturity as did I. Don't expect to be taken too seriously with your uniform on. Respect is earned.
Post by MARIO on May 18, 2006 20:13:05 GMT -8
Well, tax cuts are great and all.
But with all these illegals invading our country, that Big Government you and I both despise will only get get bigger.
As if it's not ALREADY big enough.
Post by 101ABN on May 18, 2006 20:29:03 GMT -8
"I needed my ass kicked so fucking bad. I wish I had had the benefit of meeting 101 back then and had the benefit of ONE SERIOUS ASSWHOOPING!" Sorry, Pal. Back in those days, I was in need of a couple of cases of whoopass myself. We'd have sure been a pair to draw to. I just wish I'd done something useful with all that piss and vinegar while I still knew everything!
Post by cameron on May 18, 2006 20:58:55 GMT -8
WTF we have a Republican controlled Senate and House and White House and they can't make them permanent?WTF gives with that?
Invasion? It's that kind of rhetoric that drives me away.
This so called invasion has been going on for 30 years and no one really cared. Ya crossing the border was wrong but once here there were no real barriers to employment. That's tacit approval and now we want to change the rules on them. You all want to focus on the bad apples in the bunch and pretend they representative of the whole. That's Bullshit, there are those who came here illegally that have children serving in our military how about them? Are they part of this so called invasion? Many of them own homes do they have to forfeit those homes if they can't sell before you all round them up and kick them out? I don't like this debate much they way your side is conducting it. Appeals to emotion anger and fear always put my back up. I have always said to the college kids I've worked with judge a politician this way. If making an appeal to your intellect the argument most be honest. If the appeal is to your emotions it must be positive. If it is not either of those then you had better watch out for being manipulated.
Post by FightingFalcon on May 18, 2006 21:10:42 GMT -8
Fine w/e....let's go back to talking about illegals....
What the fuck is the difference...in a few weeks you'll move onto the next Flavor of the Month.
Where were you last year Bounce? Probably bitching about some other Flavor of the Month.
Post by 101ABN on May 18, 2006 21:17:59 GMT -8
An invasion is an invasion, fast or slow.
Don't like the rhetoric? Too bad, deal with it.
"That's tacit approval and now we want to change the rules on them."
Once again, tough shit. It's our fucking country, not theirs. And we don't need to change any rules, just enforce them. Guess you have some problem with rule of law?
"Are they part of this so called invasion?"
Yes, however there is some redemption in that case, for reasons that should be obvious.
"Many of them own homes do they have to forfeit those homes if they can't sell before you all round them up and kick them out?"
No, of course not. They can rent them out.
I don't like this debate at all either the way your side is conducting it either. It's nothing but bleeding heart moonbat bullshit like you've posted here.
"Appeals to emotion anger and fear always put my back up."
WTF do you call your post but appeal to emotion? That's all you have to appeal to since you haven't posted a single fact on this topic since you started in.
You get your undies in a bunch if someone remotely suggests you are disloyal to the country, yet you want to take the side of the illegal and offer reward to the lawbreaker. You might as well be out in the streets marching with the assclowns from ANSWER.
Don't want to sound disloyal? Then stop trying to give my country away to a bunch of fucking bandidos who have no right to be here, and damn sure have no right to tell us what to do.
Post by bounce on May 18, 2006 21:21:03 GMT -8
"I needed my ass kicked so fucking bad. I wish I had had the benefit of meeting 101 back then and had the benefit of ONE SERIOUS ASSWHOOPING!" Sorry, Pal. Back in those days, I was in need of a couple of cases of whoopass myself. We'd have sure been a pair to draw to. I just wish I'd done something useful with all that piss and vinegar while I still knew everything! Somehow the "Greatest Generation" made it and somehow the "Baby Boomers" are making it... I am not at all comforted by the chances of the "X" generation or the "Y" generation. Somehow you and I just "know." I can't seem to "convey" that wisdom though.
Post by cameron on May 18, 2006 22:08:24 GMT -8
An invasion is an invasion, fast or slow. Don't like the rhetoric? Too bad, deal with it. I am dealing with it, and informing you with what's wrong with it. "That's tacit approval and now we want to change the rules on them." Once again, tough shit. It's our fucking country, not theirs. And we don't need to change any rules, just enforce them. Guess you have some problem with rule of law? Sometimes I do have a problem with laws, you're a military man are any and all orders legal? If not why not? I'll tell you why not, Morality is the measure of the Law. The Law is not the measure of Morality. The reasoning that goes, they came here illegally therefore they are criminals is simple minded horse shit. They came here to make a better life for themselves and their families and I don't care how many times you claim they are criminals for doing it, there is nothing immoral about it. To suggest they are on the same moral plain as some local hood who jacks up the corner gas station is at best moronic and perhaps worse dishonest. "there are those who came here illegally that have children serving in our military how about them? Are they part of this so called invasion?" Yes, however there is some redemption in that case, for reasons that should be obvious. Bullshit they are more supportive of this nation and of what it stands for then the native born members of code pink. They aren't part of any invasion. They are upstanding members of the communities they live in and the nation. &"Many of them own homes do they have to forfeit those homes if they can't sell before you all round them up and kick them out?" No, of course not. They can rent them out. Well that's mighty white of you. Can't wait to see that on the tube, some family being forced out of their home then shipped to some detention center before deportation. The PR alone on that one will bring your entire enterprise to an abrupt end. I don't like this debate at all either the way your side is conducting it either. It's nothing but bleeding heart moonbat bullshit like you've posted here. I don't believe in welfare or unemployment insurance both should be abolished. I make one heck of a bleeding heart don't I? This is a stupid argument on your part, and goes no where near convincing me I'm wrong about this. I follow the light cast by my own conscience. If I'm wrong you need to point to flaws in my logic and reasoning, calling me of all people a bleeding heart is just lame. "Appeals to emotion anger and fear always put my back up." WTF do you call your post but appeal to emotion? That's all you have to appeal to since you haven't posted a single fact on this topic since you started in. FACT: NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND HAS A PROHIBITION EVER BEEN SUCCESSFUL! FACT: PROHIBITIONS DON'T WORK! HELLO? Yes, for you those statements of fact are banal, trite, or stale. Yet you have not once dealt with them honestly and explained to me why I should think we can ignore the market forces involved in this issue as if they didn't exist. Oh wait, yes you did, you're gonna have a couple of show trials. How very Stalinist of you. Maybe some poor working stiff landscaper who knowingly hired an illegal, from down at the local 7/11. Slap him in irons and ship him to prison for acting in his own economic self interest. I bet Ayn Rand is rolling in her grave at the very thought you're one of her fans. Show trials wont do the trick, the threat of arrest for acting in your own economic self interest is going to need to be credible. Short of turning the country into a police state that just isn't going to happen. I should have stated that more clearly, "to the emotions of anger and fear." I guess you failed to notice the appeals to emotion I did happen to make were not negative. Mine were appeals are to compassion, yours are to anger and fear. Compassion trumps anger and fear in the world I chose to inhabit. You get your undies in a bunch if someone remotely suggests you are disloyal to the country,. Damn right I get my undies in a bunch when my loyalty is questioned, just because I honestly disagree with you. Whenever a moonbat pulls that crap on me about "don't question my patriotism" I tell them I'm not questioning their patriotism, just their judgment. Not you, you tell me yep your loyalty is suspect. That I may in fact be disloyal for not taking up your position on this. Sorry, you have no right to measure my loyalty by your politics. I've taken a principled position and am standing up for what I believe in my heart of hearts to be in all of our best interests, against all opposition. How very un-American of me, I feel so very ashamed of myself. NOT! yet you want to take the side of the illegal and offer reward to the lawbreaker. You might as well be out in the streets marching with the assclowns from ANSWER Don't want to sound disloyal? Then stop trying to give my country away to a bunch of fucking bandidos who have no right to be here, and damn sure have no right to tell us what to do. I've said here already anyone who took part in that BS should have been rounded up on the spot and deported. Seriously that is what should have been done. For the life of me I can't understand why that wasn't done. Their illegal, their creating a disturbance, and their all in one spot. What could have been easier? I'm not against control of our borders I'm for it. I just do not think your solutions are politically viable or capable of over coming the market forces involved so that we can accomplish what you and I both want, secure borders.
Post by jfree on May 18, 2006 22:15:15 GMT -8
No hope for gen X? I'm a gen Xer, I don't buy into this shit, but then again alot of my peers have questionable morals at best. Loyalty and honor are a joke to most of them and they are under the impression that everything is grey area, no wonder there are so many law students.
Post by bounce on May 18, 2006 22:35:29 GMT -8
No hope for gen X? I'm a gen Xer, I don't buy into this shit, but then again alot of my peers have questionable morals at best. Loyalty and honor are a joke to most of them and they are under the impression that everything is grey area, no wonder there are so many law students. Hey jfree ( I am DEEP in the flu right now - fevered up and shivering- so gimme a break - this shit sucks). There simply aren't enough of you to support (even if you wanted to) your elders through retirement (especially when we live to an average age of "a gazillion"). The demographics don't work. There are too many of us (living too damn long without paying IN) and not enough of you (busting your asses and forking it over). It's simply a matter of math at this point. Whether you care to or not... You cannot do it. I want you to remember this and PURPOSEFULLY not feel guilty. Your SS problems were brought on by MY generation's politicians. We need to (and should) pay for the sins of the idiots we voted for, but that will never happen. I hope your generation freakin' revolts!
Post by jfree on May 18, 2006 22:48:19 GMT -8
Oh, I wasn't referring to SS, I was referring to the need for wisdom and having half a brain. So many of my peers opinion's are garnered from MTV and whatever way the wind is blowing.
SS is beyond help. I already have a 401k I started at 27, no dummy here.
Post by bounce on May 18, 2006 23:03:47 GMT -8
"I needed my ass kicked so fucking bad. I wish I had had the benefit of meeting 101 back then and had the benefit of ONE SERIOUS ASSWHOOPING!" Sorry, Pal. Back in those days, I was in need of a couple of cases of whoopass myself. We'd have sure been a pair to draw to. I just wish I'd done something useful with all that piss and vinegar while I still knew everything! So, 101, I can blame my continued immaturity on YOU! Had you gotten your shit straight first, and had you kicked my bitch-ass wholesale... you could have saved me 10 years of being a fucking MORON! The fact that you didn't do that... Well, it fucked ME! Thanks a lot! It's all your fault! I'm calling my lawyer!
Post by bounce on May 18, 2006 23:27:13 GMT -8
"I needed my ass kicked so fucking bad. I wish I had had the benefit of meeting 101 back then and had the benefit of ONE SERIOUS ASSWHOOPING!" Sorry, Pal. Back in those days, I was in need of a couple of cases of whoopass myself. We'd have sure been a pair to draw to. I just wish I'd done something useful with all that piss and vinegar while I still knew everything! Oh man.... ain't THAT the truth! But I have to tell you... If YOU had been the one to kick my irrelevant ass, I'd thank you for it today. I never received said "tutelage" in my early 20s. That cost me many years. If we could just go back... lol
Post by 101ABN on May 19, 2006 7:17:51 GMT -8
Let's start here: FACT: NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND HAS A PROHIBITION EVER BEEN SUCCESSFUL! FACT: PROHIBITIONS DON'T WORK! Been to a slave market lately? How about a pogrom? A lynching? Bought any DDT? How about a machine gun? Hand grenade? L-Tryptophane? Prohibitions don't stop things completely because some asshole will always break the law, and some other asshole will always want to help him avoid the consequences of doing so. Your arguments want to reward breaking the law. Do you think THAT will reduce anything? Here's the truth, EVERY prohbition is successful to some degree. How can I make that statement? Because if it reduces a proscribed activity by even a small per cent, it has "worked" to that extent. Your absolutist statements are incorrect. OR maybe you want to repeal the prohibitions on kiddie porn? After all, if prohibitions don't work... Why bother with laws at all? WTF are you talking about with your strawman unemployment argument? "They are upstanding members of the communities they live in and the nation." You're joking, right? " I guess you failed to notice the appeals to emotions I did happen to make were not negative. Mine were appeals are to compassion, yours are to anger and fear." Mine's better than yours is, nyaaaah! Grow up, kid. It's not compassionate to reward lawbreakers. It's neither compassionate or patriotic to drive down wages for Americans to benefit non-Americans who crashed the gate. That's not compassion. It's lunacy. "Slap him in irons and ship him to prison for acting in his own economic self interest. " We do it to bank robbers who are also acting in their own economic self-interest. And I'm not an Ayn Rand fan and never have been. "Well that's mighty white of you." Gonna get racial on men now? You might as well, you've already called me a Nazi, a rightwing moonbat, a Stalinist and everything else but a child of God, so go ahead. It just reinforces the bankruptcy of your argument. "Damn right I get my undies in a bunch when my loyalty is questioned, just because I honestly disagree with you. Whenever a moonbat pulls that crap on me about "don't question my patriotism" I tell them I'm not questioning their patriotism, just their judgment. Not you, you tell me yep your loyalty is suspect. That I may in fact be disloyal for not taking up your position on this. Sorry, you have no right to measure my loyalty by your politics." Put down the bong, Cameron. It wasn't me who questioned your loyalty, I'm commenting on your reaction to it. HOWEVER, I will repeat that if youdon't wan't to appear disloyal, STOP TRYING TO GIVE THE COUNTRY AWAY TO THOSE WITH NO RIGHT TO BE HERE. "Morality is the measure of the Law. The Law is not the measure of Morality. " We're a nation of laws not a nation of moralities. There's a damned good reason for that. See if you can figure out what it might be. Here's the cost of amnesty. Are YOU willing to pay it? I'm sure as hell not. www.heritage.org/Research/Immigration/bg1936.cfmBleeding heart is as bleeding heart does.