Post by leftisthater1 on May 13, 2007 18:08:17 GMT -8
See this video and then tell me that those of us who are against illegal immigration are those filled with hate.
Post by AmericanPride on May 14, 2007 8:43:18 GMT -8
Illegal immigration isn't the problem.
An outdated, elitist system that fails to sufficiently execute its duties creates illegal immigrants. If we abolish the quota system, expand citizenship programs, and shift internal police powers in such a way as to enable local departments to assist in immigration enforcement, we can not only eliminate illegal immigration, but also empower a new generation with the ideals and spirit of the American dream.
But the question is: would it irritate the sensibilities of pampered middle and upper class Americans?
Post by Merceditas on May 14, 2007 20:38:58 GMT -8
See this video and then tell me that those of us who are against illegal immigration are those filled with hate. Couldn't watch it, but there's no doubt that there is an element of racists in this country who just might happen to be on the same side of the fence with us who do not hate and are not racist, but do know that people who come to this country ilegally need to be dealt with appropriately. It's just dishonesty that prompts some people to pull the racist or bigot card against anyone who disagrees with their amnesty for all illegal plans.
Post by leftisthater1 on May 15, 2007 4:07:13 GMT -8
Illegal immigration isn't the problem. An outdated, elitist system that fails to sufficiently execute its duties creates illegal immigrants. If we abolish the quota system, expand citizenship programs, and shift internal police powers in such a way as to enable local departments to assist in immigration enforcement, we can not only eliminate illegal immigration, but also empower a new generation with the ideals and spirit of the American dream. But the question is: would it irritate the sensibilities of pampered middle and upper class Americans? What should we do to expand citizenship programs? Are you saying that we should grant citizenship to people who have no intentions on becoming Americans in the first place?
Post by AmericanPride on May 15, 2007 20:05:52 GMT -8
Why would we require persons to become citizens who do not desire to become citizens? Does that not violate the spirit of volunteerism and individual choice? We should not require citizenship for persons who do not desire it. But we should abolish the quoata system and reorganize the citizenship program to account for the large number of individuals that do desire to be citizens. The rest can be monitored and managed by adjusting local police powers to enforce immigration law.
Post by leftisthater1 on Jul 12, 2007 21:21:49 GMT -8
Why would we require persons to become citizens who do not desire to become citizens? Does that not violate the spirit of volunteerism and individual choice? We should not require citizenship for persons who do not desire it. But we should abolish the quoata system and reorganize the citizenship program to account for the large number of individuals that do desire to be citizens. The rest can be monitored and managed by adjusting local police powers to enforce immigration law. So, you don't want quotas. Perhaps you want everyone to come here who wishes to? Where are you going to put all of them? Also, what do you do with those who want to be citizens but are not here legally now? Do you reward their activities that went against the law of the very nation they of which they want to become a citizen?
Post by bounce on Jul 13, 2007 4:10:19 GMT -8
Illegal immigration isn't the problem. An outdated, elitist system that fails to sufficiently execute its duties creates illegal immigrants. If we abolish the quota system, expand citizenship programs, and shift internal police powers in such a way as to enable local departments to assist in immigration enforcement, we can not only eliminate illegal immigration, but also empower a new generation with the ideals and spirit of the American dream. But the question is: would it irritate the sensibilities of pampered middle and upper class Americans? This is one of the most BOGUS posts I have read in a long time. AND, that's saying a lot because I read a few of Falcon's recently. You're trying to tell me that "Crime" wouldn't be a problem if we just did away with the law. It's OUR FAULT that these poor criminals exist to begin with so it's AMERICA that needs to change. The problem is it might "irritate the sensibilities" of the rich white people who obey the law. Your BS hand-wringing mentality is a majority of the problem. We need a GD wall. We need to rescind the legal citizenship of every anchor baby that hits American soil. We need a tamper-proof system that will immediately identify the legal status of each person and THEN we need to hammer employers who hire these criminals and landlords who rent to them. All that could EASILY BE DONE IN TEN YEARS. If we listen to people like you, our kids will never see the country we grew up in.
Post by FightingFalcon on Jul 13, 2007 5:33:37 GMT -8
This is one of the most BOGUS posts I have read in a long time. AND, that's saying a lot because I read a few of Falcon's recently. Welcome back to you too Bounce
Post by Far Rider on Dec 4, 2007 1:12:26 GMT -8
Illegal immigration isn't the problem. An outdated, elitist system that fails to sufficiently execute its duties creates illegal immigrants. If we abolish the quota system, expand citizenship programs, and shift internal police powers in such a way as to enable local departments to assist in immigration enforcement, we can not only eliminate illegal immigration, but also empower a new generation with the ideals and spirit of the American dream. But the question is: would it irritate the sensibilities of pampered middle and upper class Americans? This is one of the most BOGUS posts I have read in a long time. AND, that's saying a lot because I read a few of Falcon's recently. You're trying to tell me that "Crime" wouldn't be a problem if we just did away with the law. It's OUR FAULT that these poor criminals exist to begin with so it's AMERICA that needs to change. The problem is it might "irritate the sensibilities" of the rich white people who obey the law. Your BS hand-wringing mentality is a majority of the problem. We need a GD wall. We need to rescind the legal citizenship of every anchor baby that hits American soil. We need a tamper-proof system that will immediately identify the legal status of each person and THEN we need to hammer employers who hire these criminals and landlords who rent to them. All that could EASILY BE DONE IN TEN YEARS. If we listen to people like you, our kids will never see the country we grew up in. I was thinking of how bogus it was myself, but you can't argue with a tweenager. They know everything. Just ask them. I have been meaning to give you a call. If you're reading this, I'll try to do it this weekend, although I am behind on my telephoning.
Post by bounce on Dec 4, 2007 18:51:31 GMT -8
OK, I just happened to see this.
I haven't seen you post is a long time.
Hope all is OK.
Post by AmericanPride on Dec 4, 2007 21:14:13 GMT -8
When there's no "law", there's no crime. Obviously nothing will be changed regarding criminal behavior, such as murderers, rapists, smugglers, and so on. These people would still be the targets of law enforcement regardless of what shape immigration policy takes.
Yep. It certainly is our fault. We maintain a quota system that artificially places the "supply" of immigration far below that of demand. The "surplus" migrants become "illegal". It's simple free market principles -- or has America abandoned that too? They are not doing anything different than what legal migrants are doing -- entering the country and working. Our policy also has the negative consequence of making accountability of the movement of people nearly impossible. You can't account for people that are, by default, excluded from the system. Broadening immigration by abolishing the quota system will enable greater enforcement and accountability of our laws and the people that enter the country. If you're serious about law enforcement, you won't allow a faulty immigration policy impede justice.
The problem is that the "rich white people" own the companies that hire illegal immigrants at the exclusion of Americans. Because illegal immigrants are not a part of the system, they are not held to the same labor standards as respectable, hard-working Americans. Our immigration policies undermine America's middle and working classes, not the upper class. But it's the soft sensibilities and identity of middle class Americans (those who vote) that prevent the right solution from taking shape.
I don't want to see the country you grew up in. Ever give thought that the next generation may not always want your inheritance and what it entails for them?
America is based upon the principle of opportunity for everyone, regardless of race, creed, gender, national origin, etc. Imposing artificial quotas on people based upon national origin is a crime against the spirit of liberty. Where are we going to put all them? Haha. How about wherever they want to go? The freedom of movement is another right enjoyed by people in this country. Where did we put all the Jews, Italians, Japanese, Chinese, Germans, Poles, and Irish that immigrated here? They decided on their own. Mexicans also have that capacity, if you're not aware of an idea called equality. America is NOT FULL. Grant citizenship to whoever wants it and demonstrates the capacity and willingness to attain it. Did they violate the law? Absolutely. But they violated a law that can neither be justified or enforced. It's not a law. Just an annoyance and impediment to the liberty and prosperity of people.
Post by 101ABN on Dec 4, 2007 21:45:15 GMT -8
"Imposing artificial quotas on people based upon national origin is a crime against the spirit of liberty. "
What a a load of shit!
There's a principle called soveriegnty that you seem to have missed in your high priced education.
Do you also have a problem with that "artificial" line called the border?
Yes, WE'RE Americans, WE decide who comes in and who stays out.
Anybody who crashes the gate should be repatriated at first opportunity, regardless of their country of origin.
Post by AmericanPride on Dec 5, 2007 6:23:43 GMT -8
The natural rights of men are not subject to the laws of government, and when the state imposes its will upon the individual in a manner in contradiction with his natural rights, the law is unjust and ought to be removed. There is no wrong to liberty of any kind. Sovereignty is the same "principle" used by the dictatorships of the world to justify every manner of atrocity. When our laws no longer conform to the principles of liberty, then our laws our wrong, not those violating the unjust law. Law for the sake of law is not a component of liberty, but of tyranny.
When that artificial line is used to deny or diminish the liberty of men, regardless of their origin, an absolute yes. When it used to defend our national liberty vis-a-vis state relations, it's an essential instrument.
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door." Inscription of the Statue of Liberty
We have already made that decision. It's time for you to accept the legacy of being an American.
Post by 101ABN on Dec 5, 2007 17:54:34 GMT -8
"We have already made that decision. It's time for you to accept the legacy of being an American. "
You, Sir, are as full of shit as a country goose.
"It's time for you to accept the legacy of being an American. "
No it's time for me to accept that you are an ignorant but arrogant pup who spouts platitudes yet has not one scintilla of a clue that the "natural rights of man do NOT include the right to violate the borders and laws of a soveriegn nation.
If you paid your college tuition yourself, you should ask for a refund.
Post by Remey688 on Dec 5, 2007 23:53:04 GMT -8
University tuition allows one the exposure of knowledge---the individual is the learnee! What one doesn't learn is not refundable. That rule applied to me as well as our newest citizens seeking an education.